Active Roster
Resource Center
The State of New Mexico is an inviting place for both entrepreneurs and larger companies looking to relocate or expand. New Mexico not only offers an unparalleled quality of life full of outdoor recreation, cultural attractions & events, dining, nightlife and the best sunsets in the world; but also has world class universities and national labs, internationally recognized business incubators, a strong entrepreneurial and business support structure,
The State has numerous programs and incentives for starting, growing or relocating your business here. Many of these incentives and programs directly target the BioScience and BioTechnology Industries.
New Mexico Economic Development Department (NM EDD)
The mission of the New Mexico Economic Development Department is to improve the lives of New Mexico families by increasing economic opportunities and providing a place for businesses to thrive. The NM EDD offers a very complete list of the State’s incentives. The department has developed a new Business Resource Directory which you can review here.
In addition, you may want to visit NM EDD’s new Resource Mapping Page to locate resources in the areas of the State you may be located or interested in.
Economic Development Organizations (EDOs)
There are over 60 EDOs throughout the State. For a list of all the EDOs, including tribal organizations, throughout the state please click here.
The Ecomap is an inclusive online platform meant to equalize the playing field for users looking to connect with organizations, resources, people, careers, events, and opportunities throughout the state.
The New Mexico Consortium (NMC) is non-profit corporation formed by the three New Mexico universities in order to facilitate research in the state of New Mexico, and specifically to increase research collaborations between universities, industry and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). The NMC provides agile and accountable operations to execute joint initiatives in science, economic development, and education.
New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions
The Department of Workforce Solutions offers resources on hiring and employment for both employers and job seekers. The DWS strives to improve employment and poverty rates through workforce development, enhanced services for employers, and ensuring fair labor practices and workforce protections for New Mexicans.
The New Mexico Partnership can provide you with all you need to know to expand or relocate your business. As the official business recruiting arm for the state, our services are confidential and free of charge, and include real estate searches, evaluating and applying for incentives, organizing strategic meetings with key government and community officials, and providing key business data.
New Mexico Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NM MEP)
New Mexico MEP is a statewide assistance center dedicated to increasing the competitiveness of our state’s small and mid sized businesses.
New Mexico Small Business Assistance (NMSBA) Program
The NMSBA Program offers free technical assistance to businesses through access to scientists and researchers at Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories.
New Mexico Small Business Development Center
The New Mexico Small Business Development Center is a partnership between the U.S. Small Business Administration, the State of New Mexico Association of Community Colleges, and the private sector to provide resources to small businesses across the state.
New Mexico Bioscience Authority
The New Mexico Bioscience Authority was created as the State’s first public-private partnership to build a new model of bioscience industry. New Mexico needs a platform and a coordinated effort to grow bioscience organizations.
New Mexico has an impressive support system for entrepreneurs, startups and small businesses through its network of incubators, accelerator programs, and co-working and maker spaces. A few are highlighted below. For a complete list of these support opportunities, please click here and download the pdf file.
ACTIVATE NM Accelerator helps local entrepreneurs accelerate the growth of their business by providing opportunities to learn and grow. The programs and events support entrepreneurship and fill gaps for people trying to build and grow businesses in New Mexico.
Arrowhead Center is a New Mexico state certified business incubator. Our mission is to promote entrepreneurship and innovation, creating economic opportunity. At Arrowhead, we help innovators, entrepreneurs, and small businesses at any stage start and grow through our services, resources, expertise, and connections. We are also the technology transfer and commercialization arm of New Mexico State University.
The BioScience Center creates an environment where an increased likelihood of success results from support and knowledge-sharing among experts, all working in bio-related fields. We offer sparkling facilities, an infrastructure with shared services to reduce costs and allow your available dollars to last longer, and a supportive community of like-minded people who can help your startup succeed.
Enterprise Center at San Juan College
As a certified business incubator the Enterprise Center is a place for your new business to call home. By providing turnkey offices and production space in combination with the business resources needed to turn your idea into a successful business, the Enterprise Center will help guide you step-by-step through the process to starting and growing your business.
New Mexico’s Premier Coworking Spaces located in Albuquerque, Edgewood and Taos. Flexible office space, meeting areas, events, and classes in an atmosphere conducive to enabling the success of your business.
FUSE Makerspace at CNM STEMulus Center is a prototyping lab that aims to facilitate the transformation of idea to reality in an effort to contribute to the economic and educational development of the local community.
International Business Accelerator
The International Business Accelerator is a one-stop shop of resources for New Mexican businesses and individuals wishing to introduce their product or service into the global market. The IBA offers educational programs on how to export/import, an online resource guide of international trade materials, and an electronic database of international trade leads/joint venture opportunities.
The IBA also leads outgoing and reverse trade missions of foreign buyers and sellers for the benefit of New Mexican companies.
Quelab is a makerspace that emphasizes collaboration between science, culture, art, and technology to promote creativity.
The Santa Fe Business Incubator is a New Mexico state certified program with a shared bioscience lab, Fab Lab, coworking space, conference rooms and programs, services and connections to help startups scale and succeed.
WESST is a home for entrepreneurs, founded 28 years ago by women for women, but now services and supports all types of startups. As a non-profit, we offer consulting, training, and lending to anyone with the passion to start or grow a business. Our committed team nurtures thousands of clients each year to help them build strong and sustainable businesses that support communities throughout New Mexico.
ACCION New Mexico
ACCION is a nonprofit organization and micro-loan lender that provides entrepreneurs with tools to start, operate, and grow businesses. They also increase access to business credit, make loans, and provide training to help entrepreneurs build thriving businesses.
Coronado Ventures Forum
Coronado Ventures Forum is an organization that focuses on educating investors and entrepreneurs and providing a space for them to network and connect.
Cottonwood Technology Fund
Cottonwood Technology Fund is a seed and pre-seed stage technology commercialization fund.
New Mexico EB-5 Regional Center
For businesses seeking capital and other incentives to grow and expand in New Mexico, investUS EB-5 Regional Center, through its investors, provides a low-cost source of mezzanine funding that leverages resources, conserves capital, and improves return on investment. Often, EB-5 investment can close the funding gap between traditional debt financing and the equity capital necessary to round out funding needs for expansion and growth
Ingenuity Central
Ingenuity Central offers entrepreneurs, forward-thinking business leaders and outright geniuses an environment and business climate that encourages and nurtures breakthrough ideas, technologies and game-changing concepts that few places can offer. At Ingenuity Central, we’re not waiting for the future to happen, we’re going to make it happen today.
New Mexico Angels
New Mexico Angels is a nonprofit composed of New Mexico-based individual accredited investors who focus on early-stage investment in companies across the U.S.
New Mexico Catalyst Fund
The Catalyst Fund will invest in existing and emerging Portfolio Funds located across the State of New Mexico with a focus on providing capital to start-up companies at the seed and early stage of development. Commitments to Portfolio Funds will be made over an investment period of 3 years from the final close of the Catalyst Fund. Sun Mountain expects to make approximately 8-10 investments in Portfolio Funds, averaging $1.5-$2.0 million per investment.
New Mexico Community Capital
New Mexico Community Capital (NMCC) is a private, nonprofit Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) and Native American CDFI that provides capital and knowledge for New Mexico’s high-potential businesses in emerging or underserved markets.
New Mexico Start-Up Factory
Start-Up Factory™ is bringing laboratory technologies to market. In our innovative model we work with scientists looking to commercialize their technologies. Through our program, technologists are coached through validation of the technology and market, and are then paired with the right management team. A commercialization and business plan/model is formed and if all signs point to a sound market and promising technological development, a company is formed.
Sun Mountain Capital
Sun Mountain Capital manages fund investment, direct investment, and regional private equity investment. Investments are made based on regional factors rather than according to industry or investment stage.