Past EventScience, Talent and Capital Are Driving NM’s Biotech Successes (1/28)
11:45 am to 1pm, January 28
Fee: $10
Steven Graves, Ph.D., is CEO and President of BennuBio. His research programs at the Los Alamos National Laboratory led to the Attune acoustic flow cytometer. His programs at UNM are the basis of the firm’s parallel acoustic flow cytometry. He has experience in running large scientific programs responsible for the scientific execution and financial management of over $10M of scientific funding for the past 20 years. He has created BennuBio’s first product, Velocyt, a flow cytometer that can analyze particles the size of a small BB, which is a near-perfect starting point to create a HighThroughput Screening (HTS) platform that uses multicellular models (balls of many cells ‘spheroids’) for drug discovery.
Victor Esch, Ph.D, is President and CEO of Armonica. Armonica is developing continuous, direct read DNA sequencing for robust analysis of genomic variants and epigenetic changes. By eliminating the requirement for extensive library preparation, Armonica will deliver significant cost savings in time and supply costs in addition to providing data for diagnostic and pharmaceutical applications that are not possible with today’s sequencing technology.
Stuart Rose, Ph.D., is an active entrepreneur and investor emphasizing pharma/biotech and medical devices but with interests in any for-profit startup that solves problems, especially big problems. Most of Stu’s career was spent as a senior manufacturing and business executive in the global pharmaceutical industry. He is the founder and operator of The BioScience Center. Examples of startups with which Stu is currently involved include: Agilvax, a company developing a novel therapeutic for triple-negative breast cancer and colon cancer, Biophagy, a company developing new molecules that stimulate or inhibit autophagy to treat diseases of aging, Go-Station, a company with a novel, technology-driven business model that is installing a network of electric vehicle charging stations around the United States. In addition, Stu is a Venture Partner in Tramway Ventures, a small seed-stage investment firm.