News ItemIn the Know: March 2018

March 26, 2018 – 

NMBio — IN THE KNOW — March 2018

This month’s newsletter marks a season of new beginnings. As spring approaches, event and conference activities are blossoming at local, state and national venues. We highlight several below and you can view more on our website. As a member of NMBio you can receive discounts of 10% or more to many of the national events.
The event that I’ll highlight for you is the Santa Fe Business Incubator’s 20th anniversary. Our esteemed colleague and NMBio board member Marie Longserre opened the doors to SFBI on Day 1, in 1997. Marie has since gained local, regional and national kudos for SFBI and her work with the incubator’s tenants. A series of celebrations this year will kick off with a lunch to be held on Wednesday, April 4, 11:30 am to 1:30pm at La Fonda on the Plaza, 100 East San Francisco Street. Marie and her team are planning a fun event for this momentous occasion and are anticipating 400 people in attendance. SFBI’s shared success story will be featured through dynamic presentations by NM’s congressional delegation, SFBI founders and stakeholders, current clients and successful graduates of the program, and the larger entrepreneurial community during a three-course lunch. If interested in hosting a reserved table for 10, contact Marie directly or register by connecting to this link:
Another must spring event is the Innovate New Mexico Technology Showcase on May 1. This special collaborative event, sponsored by PhRMA, will highlight research and technology opportunities, start-up companies, and economic development resources from the leading research institutions in the state of New Mexico — the Air Force Research Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico State University, New Mexico Tech, Sandia National Laboratories, and STC.UNM/The University of New Mexico Registration is $30. If you are interested in having an exhibitor table for your company, please contact Cara Michaliszyn at or (505) 272-7041. We’ll post a link to the agenda in out April newsletter and on our website as we get closer to the event. 

I’ve saved my final plug for NMBio’s April 5 event that features Dr. Ries Robinson. He is the Chief Innovation Officer at Presbyterian Healthcare Services. His current focus is helping Presbyterian identify, pilot, adopt and scale innovation for the benefit of patients and members. Dr. Robinson has spearheaded patient access issues with the goal of reducing the burden on providers and empowering patients to better manage their health conditions. For more information and to register, click on this link:

Tapping into America’s Biomedical Seed Fun

Looking for a deal in your backyard? The NIH is the world’s largest investor in early stage life sciences companies. Over 1000 companies annually tap into NIH’s SBIR and STTR program for non dilutive funding to the tune of $980M in FY17. Did you know the NIH maintains RePORTER, an online database, of all funded companies and projects? This link will take you to what’s been funded this fiscal year, but you can query the database yourself to look for companies specific to your interests. There are over 25 different ways to search and visualize the data with built in analytics (click on the Data & Visualize to create graphs and more you can export directly to PowerPoint and Excel).
NIH’s mission is to turn discovery into health. Its funding turns research into commercially viable products, and small businesses are a primary engine for commercialization. Many angels are uniquely positioned to both invest in and mentor these companies as they go through the commercialization process. RePORTER is a powerful tool you can use to find investment opportunities or review grants and contracts part of your due diligence and/or competitive intelligence efforts. 

Digital Health and Medical Device Research Will Receive A Financial Infusion From The FDA

The Food and Drug Administration plans to use a proposed $400 million boost in federal funding to focus on a range of innovative approaches to speed the approval of new medical devices and create a new center that would support digital health oversight and address cybersecurity concerns.

Overall, the FDA would receive an additional $473 million in discretionary spending under a budget proposal released by the Trump administration earlier this week, bringing the agency’s total to $3.25 billion in 2019. If that level of spending moves through Congress, the FDA plans to funnel about $400 million to promote innovation and competition. Here is a link to FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb’s announcement. It includes specific carve-outs planned for a new Center of Excellence on Digital Health and furthering the agency’s ability to use EHR data to evaluate medical devices.

Technical Talent Will Be The Main Driver of Success for NM’s Bioscience Industry 

NMBio and the Council of State Bioscience Associations (CSBI) is developing a report designed to address the most pressing talent needs of the life science industry. It will be released at the BIO International Convention in Boston in June. This real-time data is extremely valuable for our state and the bioscience community as we work with academic institutions and policymakers to resource and develop talent for the industry. As an employer in the life science community, we would like to include your data in the report. I am asking hiring decision makers to complete this brief survey (it will take no more than 10-minutes) by March 28. Projecting the scale and mix of skills needed in the future is critical. Here is the link to the surveyData collected through this survey will be communicated to key stakeholders.

BIO Supports Stronger Patents Act

The following statement on the House of Representatives introduction of the STRONGER Patents Act by Representatives Steve Stivers (R-OH-15) and Bill Foster (D-IL- 11) is from Tom DiLenge, BIO’s President, Advocacy, Law & Public Policy Division:
“BIO supports balanced reforms to reduce abusive patent practices – both by patent owners and against patent owners.  But we also must strengthen the incentives needed to sustain our nation’s global leadership in biotechnology innovation and the creation of high-wage, high-value jobs throughout our country. With the introduction of the STRONGER Patents Act, Congress has begun the process of achieving that critical balance.

“I commend Representatives Stivers and Foster for their leadership in introducing legislation that will reform the inter partes review and post-grant review processes, bringing fairness and finality to these Patent Office proceedings. The bill also will enhance patent quality by ensuring that all fees paid to the Patent Office are used for their intended purposes, and will crack down on abusive patent demand letters.
“Strong patents are the lifeblood of the biotechnology industry. They are critical in ensuring a steady stream of capital to biotechnology companies developing innovative medicines and more sustainable sources of energy and agricultural products. And they are essential to the technology transfer process that leads from inventions in the lab to products on the shelves.
“The majority of biotechnology companies are small companies that have no products on the market, and thus their research and development activities are funded through massive amounts of private sector investment over many years, sometimes even decades. Without strong, predictable and enforceable protections for patented inventions, investors will shy away from investing in biotech
innovation, degrading the ability to provide solutions to the most pressing medical, agricultural, industrial and environmental challenges facing our nation and the world.
“BIO supports the STRONGER Patents Act and will continue to advocate for passage of legislation to strengthen the ability of patent owners to fairly defend their inventions and businesses against infringement.”
To stay in the know on BIO’s activities produces BIOtechNOW, an online portal and monthly newsletter chronicling “innovations transforming our world.” Subscribe to BIOtechNOW.


National Medal of Technology and Innovations Seeks Nominees

The National Medal of Technology and Innovation (NMTI) is now accepting nominations for 2018. Awarded by the President of the United States, the NMTI is the nation’s highest honor for technological achievement. If you know of an individual, team, or company that has made an outstanding technological contribution to United States’ economic, environmental, or social well-being, you can submit nominations until the April 6 deadline. The nomination form, a sample recommendation letter, and FAQs are available on the NMTI website.

Nominations of candidates from traditionally underrepresented groups are encourged. You can learn more from a recently recorded webinar given by NMTI staffFurther, NMTI staff are happy to answer your questions to help ensure a quality nomination; feel to contact them at

UNM HSC Health Hackathon, May 18-20, Albuquerque

The University of New Mexico (UNM) Health Sciences Center (HSC) Clinical Translational Science Center (CTSC) is hosting its inaugural ‘Health Hackathon’ the weekend of May 18-20. This event, modeled after similar events hosted by institutions such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Yale, and Harvard, is an exciting opportunity for forward movement in research and prototype development. 
The Health Hackathon is a unique opportunity for clinicians, entrepreneurs, engineers, scientists, developers, designers, and students to address some of the most challenging problems in healthcare and medicine by collaborating in a fast-paced, competitive environment. At the completion of the event, winning teams will be awarded prize money to make their ideas come to life. 

Participants will kick-off the weekend on Friday night with a ‘working’ social, during which the problems to be addressed over the weekend will be introduced and individuals will self-select into teams. These teams will be the pioneers of new ideas and prototypes, which they will develop and hone throughout the weekend. On Saturday, teams will work to develop their ideas and design their prototypes. The teams will have access to experienced mentors and resources, including 3-D printers and other technology, to help them develop their concepts. Come Sunday, all teams will pitch their ideas and display their designs to a panel of judges. 

Interested individuals can apply to participate using the attached Hackathon application. Please contact Carla Cordova at for more information. Space is limited, and a balanced mix of people from various backgrounds will be invited to participate. Attendees need to plan to attend Friday evening, all day Saturday, and through Sunday afternoon. Refreshments and meals will be provided.

HD3 and FCI Will Co-host Discovery Day, May 9-10 in Farmington

The High Desert Discovery District (HD3) in partnership with Four Corners Innovations, Inc. (FCI)  will co-host the next HD3 Discovery Day™ in Farmington. The event will focus on innovation, commercialization and entrepreneurial opportunities throughout New Mexico as well as the Four Corners region including Colorado, Utah and Arizona.
“You can think of Discovery Day as Shark Tank for our state,” said Michelle D. Miller, founder and CEO of HD3, New Mexico’s first statewide startup accelerator.  “This will be our 17 Discovery Day since we were founded in 2011.  Because we’re very focused on growing existing HD3 startups, we didn’t hold a Discovery Day in 2017.  So, we’re really looking forward to working closely with our friends in the Four Corners to co-host this event and hearing from all the new entrepreneurs out there in the ecosystem.”  As with all Discovery Day events, innovators, entrepreneurs and startups from all over New Mexico are invited and encouraged to apply.  And for this event, we will also broaden our focus to invite all Four Corners innovators to apply.
As with other Discovery Day events, innovators from all over New Mexico are invited to apply to HD3 to present their innovation, discovery, startup or idea/concept to a highly experienced group of subject matter experts, business achievers, entrepreneurs, innovators, management experts and investors.  The application deadline to participate is Friday, March 30. Application details are at


More Conferences

The BIO International Convention, June 4-7, Boston, MA
The 25th annual BIO International Convention is hosted by the (Biotechnology Innovation Organization, BIO), which represents more than 1,100 biotechnology companies, academic institutions, state biotechnology centers and related organizations across the United States and in more than 30 other nations. Registration information:
The MedTech Conference, September 24-26, Philadelphia, PA
The MedTech Conference convenes the leading U.S. and global stakeholders from the MedTech sector. The conference provides the optimal forum for our international partners and regional associations to connect with leading device and diagnostic companies and keep up with the latest trends in the industry. Learn More »
White Hat Life Science Investor Conference On October 3 & 4, Phoenix, AZ
White Hat brings together investors from across the country with 32 of our Southwest region’s  best investment opportunities in diagnostics, therapeutics, medical device and health IT.   Applications are now open!  NMBio is a host sponsor. The White Hat Selection Committee will begin issuing early acceptances in June and will complete the final selection process by August 1.  Learn more and apply at

The National Science Foundation Awards UbiQD $750,000 Grant

Los Alamos-based startup Ubiquitous Quantum Dots received a $750,000 to further develop and begin deploying technology that enables windows to generate electricity.

The National Science Foundation awarded a phase II Small Business Innovation Research grant for UbiQD LLC to continue building quantum dot-tinted windows, which can harness sunlight to power everyday consumer products, and eventually entire buildings.
The NSF previously awarded a $225,000 phase I grant in 2016, allowing UbiQD to test and validate its technology at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Colorado.Those studies showed photovoltaic efficiency for the quantum-dot windows, which captured about 50 percent of direct sunlight, or enough to generate about 30 watts of electricity per square meter, said UbiQD founder and President Hunter McDaniel.“With this new NSF funding, we’ll work to scale up our prototypes and our manufacturing process and begin deploying the technology in pilot projects,” he added.
Read the Albuquerque Journal’s recent article on NMBio member company, UbiQD —

Not If, but When: Preparing for Cyber Perils — Webinar, March 29

The pervasiveness of cyber in day-to-day business operations introduces serious legal, business and reputation risks to life sciences and healthcare companies. Increasing regulations and customer, employee and shareholder expectations implore firms to identify, mitigate and transfer cyber risk.BIO Business Solutions recently launched the BIO Network Security and Privacy Liability Panel with new Cyber insurance coverages from Chubb & AON.  These coverages provide members access to comprehensive and expansive coverage options for cyber-risks. BBS will be holding a webinar on March 29th, 1 pm MT / 3pm ET to allow NMBio and other state association members to engage with cyber insurance experts from AON & Chubb, and also learn details on the coverages under the cyber insurance program. Here is a link to the registration page:

BIO Business Solutions Now Has A Showcase Page In LinkedIn

The BIO Business Solutions Showcase page will provide followers access to free webinars, white papers  and other publications that highlight industry trends and best practices, in addition to exclusive offers and benefits through BIO Business Solutions cost savings program. We hope this showcase page will serve as a source of relevant information for our members and prospective members alike.

Best regards,

Greg Byrnes
Executive Director
610-731-3671 (M)
Novo Norodisk

Novo Norodisk

Southwest Labs

Southwest Labs



Curia Global

Curia Global









Arrowhead Center

Arrowhead Center

New Mexico Consortium

New Mexico Consortium



Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine

Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine

Bristol Myers Squibb

Bristol Myers Squibb

Sandia National Laboratories

Sandia National Laboratories

