We’re No Longer One Of New Mexico’s Best Kept SecretsNMBio set several personal records at the recent BIO convention in San Diego. Nine companies partnered with the association to represent the state’s life science industry in the New Mexico Pavilion. In addition to marketing their firm’s products and services, the 19 executives from SAVSU Technologies, Imagion Biosystems (which recently went public in Australia), Agilvax, Likarda, Sandia BioTech, Active Clean, AWS BioPharma, BioSafe Technologies, and AE Gorsuch Designs served as ambassadors for the state’s biotech industry. Julia Wise, who oversees the bioscience and technology sectors for the state’s Economic Development Department was on hand to answer any questions regarding state programs and incentives for companies considering relocating to the Land of Enchantment. Janeen Vilven-Doggett, a partner with Peacock Myers and an NMBio officer, attended the conference as a representative for Zocere. Five of the participating partners — Active Clean, AE Gorsuch Designs, Agilvax, Sandia Bio and Imagion Biosystems — each received STEP Grants of $3,500 to help defray their costs to exhibit at the show. Edward Herrera from the New Mexico Office of International Trade secured the grants on behalf of these promising companies — NMEDD’s Office of International Trade: https://gonm.biz/business-resource-center/edd-programs-for-business/international-trade/. NMBio displayed and passed out the brochures and marketing materials for several economic development organizations and business incubators, including Arrowhead Park, the Santa Fe Business Incubator, the City of Albuquerque, the soon to open Lobo Rainforest building, STC-UNM, NM Economic Development Department — New Mexico Economic Development Department: https://gonm.biz/ — and Albuquerque Economic Development, Inc. Harry C. Pappas, the President, CEO and co-founder of BioSafe Technologies, gave a well received 10 minute presentation on his firm and its research in the Start-up Stadium — the first NM bioscience firm selected. BIO selected 40 firms from 100 applicants. Harry, the co-inventor of the company’s technology, presented to a panel of investors and an audience of 150 attendees. BioSafe, he explained, has expanded the world’s understanding of quaternary ammonium-based antimicrobials and their efficacy against pathogenic bacteria and fungal yeast. Las Cruces High School junior Sanjiv Harikumar represented the state in the BioGENEius Challenge — the premier competition for high school students from across the globe. It recognizes outstanding research and innovation in biotechnology. Sanjiv was one of 16 students from the US and Canada selected as a finalist. “The high school students competing in the BioGENEius Challenge are among the world’s elite young thinkers. Their research projects represent some of the freshest thinking about how to use biotechnology to solve the world’s most challenging problems,” said Seema Kumar, VP Innovation, Global Health and Policy Communications at Johnson & Johnson. Sanjiv received a stipend from NMBio to cover the cost of his trip. His project is titled: Magnetic Iron Oxide-Gold Nanoparticles for the Photo-Thermal Dissolution of Protein Aggregates – Implications in Alzheimer treatment. We want to give special thanks to the Four Seasons Resort Rancho Encantado Santa Fe for donating a three-day, two night gift certificate to its award-winning facility as well as Santa Fe-based True West, a source of native American and Southwestern jewelry and art. The retailer, which represents more than 150 artists, donated a carved Navajo bear fetish. The donated items were displayed during the three days the exhibit hall was open to the conference’s 16,000 attendees. Based on this year’s success, we have committed to leasing a larger pavilion for BIO-18, which will be held in Boston, June 4 to 7. The state’s Ed Herrera has also committed to once again supporting qualified NM’s emerging bioscience companies for next year’s event. If you’re interested in participating and applying for a STEP grant, please contact me. Only NMBio members are eligible to participate in the pavilion.